Voliere yarns from Knit Picks

Can you translate---I am unsure if the "with rs facing re-join yarn to sts left on a stitch holder" means that I should continue with the same strand of yarn I just cast off?

by Barb
(Irma, WI, USA)

Shape Back Neck
Next row. Patt 27 sts, turn, leaving rem 61 sts on a stitch holder. Work on this set of sts only for the first side of neck.
Work 2 rows.
Cast off 2 st at neck edge of next row. 25 sts.
Shape shoulder
Cast off 11 sts at beg on next row. 14 sts.
Cast off 2 sts at beg of next row for neck shaping. 12 sts.
Cast of rem 12 sts.


With rs facing re-join yarn to 61 sts left on a stitch holder, cast off 34 sts and patt to end. 27 sts.

Comments for Can you translate---I am unsure if the "with rs facing re-join yarn to sts left on a stitch holder" means that I should continue with the same strand of yarn I just cast off?

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Oct 09, 2019
Help with the pattern
by: Ratchadawan

H Irma,

You're now done with the yarn after the shoulder cast off. You can cut it off. ( I like to leave about a foot or so of a tail here for sewing should seam later.) Then you can rejoin yarn and start on the other side of the neck.

Hope this helps. Thanks for visiting and sending your question.
Have a great day!


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