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Can you help me understand this pattern?

by Christina
(Phoenix AZ)

Can you please help me read this pattern? I don't understand what the instructions are. So far I have gotten through the back Cast on and 11 rows of garter stitch, but then I am completely stumped. Thank you so much - I am also attaching the pattern

- Cast 121 (128) 142 (149) 156 s on ndl no 4. Knit
11 rws in garter stitch, then continue in garter stitch
and reduced cable as follows: 7 (8) 10 (11) 12 s garter
stitch, *15 s cable (space 12 + 3 inc), 7 (8) 10 (11)
12 s garter stitch* repeat 6 times from *to*. You have
139 (146) 160 (167) 174 s.
- After knitting the 72 first rws of reduced cable and
garter stitch, it remains.....

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Nov 20, 2020
Ratcha you beautiful human
by: Christina

Thank you so much. This helps immensely.

Nov 19, 2020
Need help with pattern
by: Ratchadawan

Dear Christina,

I can't read the pattern, it's too blurry. I think the best way to do is to take attach as a file and send it to me at; ratchachambers@to-knit-knitting-stitches.com

I'll help translate the first part of the pattern thought,

- Cast 121 (128) 142 (149) 156 s on ndl no 4. Knit
11 rws in garter stitch, then continue in garter stitch
and reduced cable as follows: 7 (8) 10 (11) 12 s garter
stitch, *15 s cable (space 12 + 3 inc), 7 (8) 10 (11)
12 s garter stitch* repeat 6 times from *to*. You have
139 (146) 160 (167) 174 s."

Pick your size and cast on according to the instruction eg. smallest size is 121 sts and biggest size is 156 sts. using # 4 needle.

Knit 11 rows in garter stitch (knit all rows).
Then work set up row for cable as follow; (I'll use smallest size as an example. This is the first number. Remember to change to your own size number.)
knit 7 sts , *k 12 sts and at the same time increase 3 sts evenly (you can do k4,m1,k4,m1,k4,m1), k7*, Then repeat between *-* again for 6 times. You should have 139 sts (or whatever your number is) by the end of this instruction.

I'll be looking for your mail.


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