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Can I switch needle size one size up in shawl pattern

by Mary Hart
(McLean VA 🇺🇸 )

I am knitting a shawl
The n Size 15 circular needles . I have to
Move up to Size 15 32or 36 length and can’t find Nd them in stores or on internet stores
Can I switch size up to size 17 , same length and will that mKe a big difference in shawl patten ?

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Feb 13, 2020
Try to save sweater sleeve
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Lynn,

I'm sorry to hear about your knitting and the cat. I know you love your cat but this is something you wouldn't want to see it happen. Do you have steam iron? You can try running steam over it but don't press on it. Be careful with acrylic since it can shrink really fast. If you don't have steam iron. Then you can try socking it in a hot water for a minute and rinse with cold water. Then it on a towel after squeezing out all the water. Use you hand and fingers to gather all the stitches back close to each other.

I sure hope you can save this. Thank you for visiting me often, your complement and your donation.

Have a wonderful day,


Feb 11, 2020
This web site is phenomenal!!!! Thank You!
by: Lynn Johnson

Dear Ratcha, you have helped me before. My question has nothing to do with this previous post, but I really need Help so I thought I would write you right now.

I have almost completed a SS pattern sleeve for a 2 year old. Then my cat ran off with my knitting and all the stitches were pulled off and stretched! So since I was almost 95% done with that sleeve, I would like to save it. For goodness sake, what can I do????

Thank you in advance for your wonderful assistance! I really appreciate you and your website. I am going to donate right now. Thank you, Lynn Johnson

Feb 11, 2020
switching needle size for a shawl
by: Ratchadawan

It is possible to change needle size when working with shawl. It's hardly make a different with smaller size needle but with needle this large, the shawl might turn out much bigger than the actual pattern. It also depends on what type of shawl you make.

It's great if you're making a basic shawl that doesn't require a fancy pattern and that you're increasing from the Bottom up because you can stop whenever you like.

So, I'd say you could do it with 17 if you really have to.

PS. I went back and look around at amazon.com and I found this; Clover Takumi Bamboo 36 inch Circular Needle size 15

Thanks for visiting,


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