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Can I dec on cape cast on neck in same inc area?

Hi :>), Have a cape pattern that inc kfb, need to make neck smaller. Can I dec at the same areas where the kfb on each side of markers were at? I am working with Cascade fake fur yarn. Their would be 2 dec's side by side, is that allowable? The cape pattern is called, vaudeville Furliscious and has not worked out as true to form, having to do more work on it & using bigger kn needles then what the pattern calls for. It does not come out to the full length that the pattern says. I just made it longer but need to make the neck smaller.

Anther question, I saw a vintage cape that came below the elbows. At the neck is another capelet like that layed on top of the longer cape. Both sections had a lot of frill / ruffles on both pieces. Is their a name for this type of half circle cape? I have always thought of capes like that as carriage capes like a lady would wear when ridding in a carriage. We lost power as I tried to down load the free pattern. I have retraced my steps with out any luck. Would love to know what the cape is known as if you can find out for me. I don't know if it was knit or crochet, doesn't matter which ever it is. I would love to know the name of those type of capes & to make one. Looked as if it might of tied with ribbon in the front but not sure. All I got was a quick look at it. THANK YOU for any help you can provide. BIG HUGS, Pen :>) I do not see a place for an email address, (email removed)

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Apr 19, 2021
Found Name Of Cape I asked about
by: Anonymous

Hi :>), The name of the mystery cape is called, Double Mantle cape that is made in various ways. I'm still going through my history to see if I can find what I saw. :>) Maybe I can make a full circle with lots of long ruffles around it. Then fold it back on itself part way & crochet a chain & sl st back up the chain for extra strength to use as ties? This would give a double cape look, I think?? From what I found out, the double mantle comes from 19tn century Victorian era, 1856 - 1889 is all the info I can find.

The Vaudeville cape turned out great, made a semi circle from yrn I had left so it covers my shoulders for more warmth on my back or even pulled up mostly over my head or just bunched up around my neck. Managed to use up every bit of the fur yrn right to the end with none left over! A stroke of lucl that don" happen very often. THANK YOU for helping to look for the double mantle cape, still have much to look through in history. HOPE you have a great day, Pen :>)

Apr 16, 2021
Decreasing in pattern
by: Ratchadawan


Thank you for sharing your work and question. I'm sorry for a late response. It's a long story. I'm glad that I'm getting back to work.

You're using larger needles than the pattern is called for. That's the reason why the neck is much bigger. I think your idea of decreasing is great. I'd do the decreases like what you've mentioned. I think it's the best option since the cape is already done. Adding the neck edge and narrowing it would be the best option.

I'm not knowledgable at all when it comes to capes. I loves how they look, though. The caplet you saw sounds beautiful. Did you tried look at your browser history? It should give you the whole history of website you visit. I tried browsing for it but nothing came up close. I'll keep an eye on it though.

Thanks for visiting. Have fun adjusting your cape.


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