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Binding off and decreasing stitches for arm holes while maintaing pattern

by Trish
(Ontario Canada)


I am knitting this vest in seeded rib stitch.
for my grandson.
I have knit the 9" for the back in pattern, now have to bind off and decrease some stitches for the arm holes and while continuing to knit in pattern. The pattern is 4 multiples plus 3 which are worked differently on the RS and WS. I know how to bind off and decrease, but after I do so, I cant get the pattern back now with the new stitch count. Any tips? Thanks

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Apr 06, 2021
Well done!
by: Ratchadawan

That’s good to hear! Great job, Trish!


Apr 05, 2021
Worked like a charm
by: Anonymous

Thanks for the tip! I did just that and was able to see the pattern more clearly and determine the stitches to knit to keep in pattern. Appreciate your help!

Apr 04, 2021
Decreasing in pattern
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Trish,

yes, this can be tricky. I find it helpful to write each stitch down in the graph paper so I know what stitches have been worked and what comes next.

I usually use the existing pattern as a guide and make sure it looks right. Don't know what else to tell you. does anyone else have any suggestion?


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