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Bertie Bassett Knitting Pattern. The Body section of the pattern.


I'm knitting Bertie Bassett and I'm on the body section of the pattern.The Pattern Reads: *K first st on needle together with corresponding st from marked row; rep from * to end taking care to match sts,thus forming ridge. Can someone please explain how I do this in a way I can understand it ( I'm a beginner at knitting) as I'm stuck and don't understand how it's done.


Comments for Bertie Bassett Knitting Pattern. The Body section of the pattern.

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Nov 18, 2023
by: Anonymous

I found that doing a running stitch in another colour along marked row, made it easier to keep it straight. It took me one and a half hours to do each of the ridge rows.


Thank you for tis tip! It's very helpful.


Jan 31, 2020
Picking up a row of stitches from below
by: Ratchadawan

I have tried my best and spend a lot of time knitting and making this video in the hope that it would help you. It's not me who makes this difficult for you. It's the pattern and I think it's best that you contact a person who wrote the pattern. It's beyond me at this point.



Jan 31, 2020
picking up a row of stitches from below
by: Anonymous

i found this very difficult to keep straight because of using a mohair wool and alpaca blend, my eye would get confused and pick up the row above or below.

in this case I do not know what you are aiming for or trying to do, so I am really in the dark about the effect you are looking to achieve.

Jan 20, 2020
Bertie Bassett Body Section
by: Anita

Thank you so much for your help and the video helped me to understand a lot better on how to do the part I was stuck on. Thank You

Jan 19, 2020
Video on Bertie Basset Body Question
by: Ratchadawan

Hi again,

Here is a video I was able to produce it today.
It's not a great one but hopefully it will help you out.

Jan 19, 2020
The body section of Bertie Basset knitting pattern
by: Ratchadawan


I have something to add to the previous question you asked about marking a row with color yarn. It occurs to me that marking just the beginning of the row is not going to work for this situation. This requires marking the entire row because this will make a job much easier on this current question.

The pattern wants you to knit each stitch of the current row to each stitch on the marking row. Each st of each row has to correspond to one another - 1st to 1st, 2nd to 2nd st, ect.

I've knit a sample and I will try to make a video today and hopefully will get it out by tomorrow.

In the mean time, you can work on the marking. Find that marked row and use a needle and contrast colored yarn to weave it along the whole row.

Be back soon,


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