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Beginners Raglan Sweater -Raglan Shaping

by Lynn

Beginner Raglan Sweater

Beginner Raglan Sweater

I am ready to start the raglan shaping on the back. Does it matter what row you do your decreases on? Knit or purl.If it is better to do the decreases on a knit row then my last row on the sweater back before I start the decreases should have been a purl row.

I really appreciate your beginner pattern.
Thank you for your help.


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Sep 03, 2016
by: Vada

Question: Ok thank you for getting back to me. I have one more question that I have asked and no respond. How do you do that gauge? Is it 5 sts per inch? What is that 6.5 rows per inch? that's the biggest hold up for me.



Please try to space out your sentences and use "." and "?" I had a hard time figuring out your questions. Thank you.

For this sweater, my yarn gauge is 5 sts per inch and 6 rows per inch. This means I have to knit 5 sts to get one inch the width and have to knit 6 rows to get one inch for the height. To make it less headache, find a yarn with the same gauge or number.

To do the gauge is to knit a sample of a square to see if your yarn is the right size. You do this by knitting a small square and measure the number of sts and rows you get per inch. The standard gauge normally uses 4 x 4 inches. You can adjust the gauge by using bigger or smaller needle.

Sep 02, 2016
by: Anonymous


On the raglan Dec what do you mean decrease 10 stitches? Is this first then every other row?


Yes, bind off 10 sts at the beginning of the next 2 rows first. Then do dec every other row.

Aug 23, 2016
Video on this sweater
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Vada,

Sorry, I don't have a video on how to make this sweater. I like to make it with straight needles, front, back and sleeves then sew them together later. Some people like to to knit with circular on the body parts to have it seamless. Then knit the raglan shaping on straight needle.


Aug 21, 2016
video on this sweather
by: Vada haynes

Do you have a video on making this sweather do you do it in 2 pieces or in the round you also mention a circular needle and straight please help i want to make this.

Jul 24, 2016
Work decrease on raglan shaping
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Lynn,

It's better to do the decreases on a knit row because you can manipulate stitches easier. As you mentioned, you last row before the decreases should be a purl row. Sorry, I forgot to mentioned that in the pattern.

Happy Knitting!


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