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Very Easy Very Cute Baby Booties And A Matching Hat - Free Knitting Patterns For Baby

My niece is expecting in a month or so. I am delighted to have come up with these baby booties and a matching hat as a gift set for her newborn. Can’t wait to see them on the little one.

I adapted these booties pattern from an old English pattern. The original one used finer yarn and smaller needle. I used worsted weight yarn with bigger needles and this one is a really fast an easy to knit. You can easily whip 2 pairs of these booties in no time. The booties are knitted in rows then sew leg and foot seems together later.

The hat is knitted with the same variegated baby yarn. I didn’t have a pattern laid out before I started to knit. The pattern just started to pop up in my head as I was working on it. First, I wanted to make pebbles around the hat. Then I thought about how uncomfortable the baby might with pumps under his head. That’s why there are only pebbles in the front. My husband thinks it was cute. That’s a lot of compliment especially when it comes from a man who doesn’t know anything about knitting!

Download this baby booties and hat in a PDF file Here!

Skill level: Easy

Gauge: 4.5 sts per inch on US size # 6 (4mm)

Finished Measurement: Booties: Foot = 3.5 inches. Leg seam = 3 inches. Hat: 16 inches (To fit newborn and up 4-6 months)

Materials for both booties and hat:

1. 100 g worsted weigh yarn machine washable

2. US size # 6 (4mm) circular knitting needle

3. A set of double point needles US size # 6 (4mm)

4. Stitch marker

5. Tapestry needle

Direction For Booties

With circular needle cast on 25 sts. Working in rows as follow;

Row 1: [Increase (k1p1 into the same st.), k 10, increase] twice.

Row 2: Purl.

Row 3: [increase, k 12, increase] twice, k1.

Row 4: Purl.

Row 5: [increase, k 14, increase] twice, k1.

Row 6: Purl.

Row 7: [increase, k 16, increase] twice, k1.

Row 8: Purl.

Row 9: Knit.

Row 10: Purl.

Row 11: Knit.

Row 12: Purl.

Next row: K 23, sl 1, k1, psso, turn.

Next row: P 6, p2tog, turn.

Next row: K 6, sl 1, k1, psso, turn.

Repeat the last 2 rows 5 times.

Next row: P 6, p2tog, turn.

Next row: K.

Next row: P.

Next row (eyelet row): K2, *yf, k2tog; rep from * to the last st, K1.

Next row: P.

Begin leg ribbing:

For the leg ribbing you can either make K1, P1 ribbing or K2, P2 ribbing. Increase a stitch if you are making K2, P2 ribbing. Knit ribbing pattern for 3 inches or desired length. Bind off stitches leaving 16 inches tail for sewing leg and foot seems.With right sides together, sew legs and foot seems together using tapestry needle. Thread a ribbon or yarn through eyelets and tide a bow in the front of the booty.

Direction For A Matching Baby Hat:

Pebble Pattern:

K1, p1, k1 into the next stitch, turn work. P 3, turn. *K 3, turn. P 3, turn; repeat from * once more. Then sl 1, k2tog, psso. You’ll now have a pebble!

With circular needle cast on 64 sts, place marker and join these sts in round. Begin K2, P2 ribbing in round for 2 inches. Then work in stockinette stitch (knit all round) for 2 more inches.

Next round (Begin pebble pattern) as follows;

Round 1: P.

Round 2: K.

Round 3: K.

Round 4: K 24, *make pebble (see pattern above), k5; repeat from * 3 more times, k to end of round.

Round 5: K.

Round 6: K 27, *make pebble, k5; repeat from * 2 more times, k to end of round.

Round 7: K

Round 8: K 30, *make pebble, k5; repeat from * 1 more time, k to end of round.

Round 9: K 33, make pebble, k to end of round.Knit two more round. Then purl one round.

Transfer 24 sts, 24 sts and 16 sts onto 1st, 2nd and 3rd double point needles respectively.

Begin decreasing rounds as follow;

Round 1: *K 6, k2tog; repeat from * to end of round.

Round 2 and every even row : Knit.

Round 3: *K5, k2tog; repeat from * to end of round.

Round 5: *K 4, k2tog; rep from * to end of round.

Round 7: *K 3, k2tog; rep from * to end of round.

Round 9: *K 2, k2tog; rep from * to end of round.

Round 11: * K 1, k2 tog; rep from * to end of round.

Round 13: * K2tog; rep from * to end of round.

Round 14: knit.

Repeat round 13 and 14 until you have 4 sts left. Then K2tog, K2.Knit the 3 sts that are left in rows back and forth in stockinette stitch as follow;

Row 1: Sl 1, k2.

Row 2: Sl 1, p2.

Repeat these 2 rows until desire length. Then K3tog. Now you have one st left.

Make a big pebble into this last stitch as follows;

Row 1: K1, p1, k1, p1, k1 into the last stitch, turn.

Row 2: Purl.

Row 3: Knit.

Row 4: Purl.

Repeat row 3 and 4 three more times. Then sl 2, k 3 tog, psso. Insert the right needle into the beginning of the pebble. Bind off. Cut yarn leaving 10 inches tail. Using tapestry needle and the yarn just cut off to fill in any spaces around the pebble.

You can also attach a pom-pom instead of a pebble if preferred.

Download this baby booties and a matching hat in a PDF file Here!

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Samia Yarn from Knit Picks

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