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Attaching a band

by Susan
(Sydney, NS)

rib neck band (not related to the question)

rib neck band (not related to the question)

Pattern states: neckband - work ribbing for 3 cm, then knit 1 row (rt side) & work several rows in st st of a different Color.
Sew neckband matching sets & using backstitch on right side of work.

Not sure how to do this

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Feb 04, 2024
attaching a band
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Susan,

From what I see is you work the ribbing for 3cm, then knit 1 row on the right side. Work stockinette st for several rows in different color. (I wonder why it's not specify #or rows). I am breaking the instruction down for you.

Neckband with Ribbing:
Cast On:
Begin by casting on or pick up the required number of stitches for your neckband. If the pattern specifies a ribbing of 3 cm, you'll work this in ribbing pattern.

Work in the ribbing pattern (for example, knit 2, purl 2) for 3 cm. This creates the ribbed texture.

Knit 1 Row (Right Side):
After completing the ribbing, knit one row on the right side of the work. This sets up the transition to the stockinette stitch section.
Stockinette Stitch Section in a Different Color:

Change Yarn Color:
Switch to the new color yarn that you want to use for the stockinette stitch section.

Stockinette Stitch Rows:
Knit every stitch for several rows to create the stockinette stitch section. The number of rows will depend on your pattern and desired length.

Sewing the Neckband:
Fold in Half:
Fold the neckband in half along its length, wrong sides together.
Aligning Sets:
Match the sets of stitches on both sides of the neckband, making sure the ribbing lines up correctly.

Use a backstitch to sew the neckband together. The backstitch is a strong stitch and will create a secure seam.

After sewing the neckband, weave in any loose yarn ends and ensure that the seam is secure and tidy.

I hope this makes sense.


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