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Armhole edge on a vest

by Cindy
(Baltimore, MD)

I did a 4 row rib stitch on the armhole of the vest I’m making. After binding off, the ribbing looks more like a ruffle than a straight edge. What did I do wrong? Thanks for your help.

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Jan 27, 2022
armhole vest
by: Ratchadawan

So glad to hear that the problem had been solved.


Jan 26, 2022
Armhole vest
by: Cindy

Thanks for the reply to my dilemma. I pulled the stitches tighter and that seems to have solved the problem.

Jan 24, 2022
Binding off ribbing
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Cindy,

I'm not sure what went wrong there but it sounded like the bound off stitches weren't tight enough. You could try using just a bit smaller needle to bind them off. I would try different ways of bind off (purl, knit and ribbing) and see which technique looks best. Although, many knitters prefer ribbing bind off ( k the k and p the p stitches)

You may want to look at this video for example;

or you could try an advanced method of "invisible cast off" which I haven't tried yet.

Have fun knitting!


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