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Aran sweater sleeve

by Elaine
(Ottawa, Canada)

I have done the ribbing for the cuff, increased to the appropriate number of stitches(64) in the last row of ribbing and then did the first row of the pattern which is ;
P3 Slip 1 P2 Tw2 P2 HC8 P2 Tw2 P2 Twined Diamond 16 P2 Tw2 P2 HC8 P2 Tw2 P2 Slip1 P3

it then says:
inc at both ends of every 6th row and work increase into (P2 Slip 1) Rib
until there are 90 Sts on the needle

So am I inc on the 6th row, which would be on the wrong side? It doesn't say how many stitches to increase on each 6th row. If I only increase 2 stitches per 6th row it will take me to row 78 before I have added the the required 26 stitches.

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Apr 26, 2021
increase sleeve
by: Elaine

Thank you very much for the speedy answer to the number of increases per row.
Just to clarify, when it says "inc at both ends fo every 6th row" am I working on the 6th row from when I started the pattern which would make the increases on the wrong side or should I increase every 6th row after the first row of pattern which makes it actually the 7th row and the right side?

Apr 24, 2021
increase sleeve
by: Ratchadawan


Yes, you only need 2 sts for every 6th row. This will gradually flare up the top of the sleeve. If increase too fast, the sleeve will end up looking like a fan. Make sure to increase each stitch into the (p2, slip 1) or (sl 1, p2) area.

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