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ADRIAFIL NAKED TOP - cable stitch

it says cast on 102 and cable stitch 4 rows, I don't understand what they mean as no instruction for cable stich on pattern. any help would be appreciated

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Nov 25, 2021
adriafil naked top - cable stitch
by: Ratchadawan

I think this might be the pattern https://www.lovecrafts.com/en-us/p/naked-top-and-cord-vest-in-adriafil-snappy-ball-and-eco-downloadable-pdf

It looks to me like 2x2 cable. With 102 sts, you can have 1 st at each end for salvages.

First, You cast on 102 sts. Then knit stockinette st for 4 rows then do 4 sts cable (place 2 st on a cable needle either front or back but they all have to be the same every time, then knit the next two sts and then knit the two from the cable). Make sure you're on the right side when you do the cable. If it takes 5 rows to get to the right side then do it. Knit the first stitch for a selvage st, then work the cable on the nest 4 sts. You should have 1 st left at the end of the row as well. Continue doing cable every 4 rows until desired length.

Thanks for the question. I hope you find this helpful and hopefully work out well.

Happy Thanksgiving!


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