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Add On Ribbing To A Completed Sweater

by Liinda
(Austin, Texas)

I need help to add on about 2 inches of ribbing on a completed sweater. Any suggestions?

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Aug 02, 2023
by: FAYE

Thank you so much i made my husbands jumper for his stomach ha ha not his hips also the length was a bit short really great info.


You're welcome, Faye. Thanks for visiting. I love your comment :)


Aug 28, 2015
Add On Ribbing To A Finished Sweater
by: Ratchadawan

I think the easiest way to do is to pick up stitches along the lower edge of the sweater and then do the ribbing. Use a circular needle with similar length of the sweater's circumference will make it easier. You'll need multiple of 2 sts for 1x1 and multiple of 4 sts for 2x2. You might need to decrease a few sts to get it right. Usually, ribbing has about 5-10% less sts than the body but I personally don't like a tight rib so I don't bother decreasing sts.

When you pickup sts, do it knit wise all the way to make it easier. Then on the second row, you then start the ribbing and decreasing if necessary. When you reach 2 inches of ribbing, bind off loosely.

Have fun with on your sweater and thanks for sending in you question.


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