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A salvage stitch on fair isle pattern

example of a salvage edge using slipped stitches

example of a salvage edge using slipped stitches

When knitting Row 1, I would knit the salvage st at the end of the row, correct? When starting Row 2, I would knit the salvage st at the beginning of the row, correct? Will that throw off the 18 stitch repeat* pattern on the chart (when I have 91 sts on my needle). There should be 18 sts between my markers. But the side where the salvage st is has 19 sts. I'm confused. Thanks for your help.

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Sep 19, 2021
A salvage stitch on a fair isle pattern
by: Ratchadawan

Salvage can be on any side including both sides as well. It sounds like your is on the left side if row 1 is a right side row.

You don't have to count a salvage stitch in a repeat pattern. It's an extra stitch on it own. So, it won't throw off the 18 st repeat. I'm not sure how you do your salvage but if using slipped stitches then you just slip the first stitch purl wise on the right side rows. On the wrong side you can just knit the last stitch.

Thank you for questioning and visiting. Have fun knitting your fair isle!


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