Voliere yarns from Knit Picks

A Clever Homemade Yarn Canister
Helps Keep A Ball Of Yarn In One Place

by Idea adopted from Mary, Pennsylvania

Homemade Yarn Canister

Homemade Yarn Canister

How to make a yarn canister to keep a ball of yarn from rolling all over the house and to keep it clean.

One day many years ago, my friend brought to me a huge bag of scrap yarns, old craft, crochet and knitting magazines from his mother's house. My friend's mother loved to crochet and collecting magazine. She wasn't capable of doing these thing any more at that time. So, she wanted someone who know crochet and knitting to have it. So it ended up at my house. I was happy!

As I was sorting through the bag, I found an interesting empty bottle of soda with a ball of yarn inside. Then I realized how great that was to be able to reuse a liter bottle of soda as a yarn container. So, I think it'd be neat to share this tip here with you.

To make a yarn container you'll need;

1. An empty plastic bottle of soft drink (1 liter or bigger).

2. knife and scissor.

3. Sandpaper.

4. Tape (optional)


-Clean and dry plastic bottle, discard the cap.

-Lay the bottle horizontally, cut a little vertical line in the center of the bottle with a sharp knife. Then use the scissor to cut around the bottle into 2 halves.

-Smooth all the edges with sandpaper to prevent it from catching your yarn.

-Place a ball of yarn you want to knit with in side the top half of the bottle.

-Bring the end of the yarn through the small opening where the cap was.

-Attach the other half of the bottle to the top part and secure it with tape on the outside. You might not even have to use the tap at all because they fit quite tightly together.

If you find it hard to attach the two pieces together, you can use the heat to shrink another end of the bottle a little bit. Just hold it over the open flam about a foot away and it will start to shrink. Watch it carefully though, it will shrink fast!

Now you can have your homemade yarn canister to keep your yarn from rolling away plus it will stay nice and clean!

I hope you like this tip.


A Personal Note

I like to start knitting from the end of the yarn at the center of a ball because I don't like to chase a ball of yarn around while I'm busy knitting. If my cat were still around, she would think differently.

There were times when I just couldn't locate that center end piece of the yarn. The more I tried, the worst it got. Then I gave up and had to start knitting from the outer end of the yarn.

I don't really like to have my yarn lying one the floor because it can catch some dust and sometimes dog fur. (Keeping dirt out of the floor is my everyday struggle when I'm living with a hairy dog, two 5 years-old kids, and a hubby who likes to garden).

So having a canister to keep my yarn in place is really a nice thing for me. You should try it!


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