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1x1 rib with edge stitches

by Linda
(Bracknell )



I have casted on 164 stitches, completed the rib and the first row of pattern contains 168 stitches. Why is this? was I supposed to cast on extra although it clearly says 164?

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Dec 23, 2020
1x1 rib with edge stitches
by: Ratchadawan

Hello Linda,

I'm also with you on this. It could be that the instruction left off the increasing row just before the 1st row after ribbing. It usually happens in sweater knitting.

In this case, it could be a typo. I'm not sure what it is.

If I were you, I would continue the first row and gradually add extra 4 sts along the way to make it 168.

Thanks for the visit and the question. Enjoy the rest of your day!

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